The Tilby's go to Europe...


I wanted to wait til our plans were set in stone before i documented our trip plans. But i am SO HAPPY to say our trip to Europe is finally nailed down. We leave exactly ONE MONTH from today. It still doesn't seem real. Me? Jarrick? In Europe? Really? I feel blessed.

Our first idea was to see as many places as possible. We had mapped out about 7 countries in 13 days. Rental Car. Hotels. Routes. All kinda up in the air. The more we discussed it (aka Jarrick planned and i butted in my opinion) we realized how overwhelming it was going to be. It was only leaving us about a day in each city....obviously not near enough time. Also, neither of us can drive a manual car.

Alps + Tilbys + Manual car = disastersandfightsgalore

There were some battles over which cities to see...for me, Prague. I just want to go. I don't know why. For Jar? Venice. I mean who doesn't want to see a city with streets of water? But, after much discussion we finally settled on our destinations and i couldn't be happier.

First Stop?

Our flight lands in Munich, Germany.
So excited about this.
We are planning on going to the Neuschwanstein Castle. AKA...the Disneyland Castle
A Cuckoo Clock will be purchased.
Its important to me.
 We will be there for 2-3 days before we head off to......

This was an easy choice.
The hard choice?
Which cities to see?
Milan? Florence? Venice? Rome?
It was a long battle and was for sure the hardest decision to make.
But, we both agrees on ROME!
Pinch me please.
We kinda wanted to stick in Northern Italy and possibly see my cute little brother who is serving in Alessandria, Italy (about an hour SW of Milan) But alas, Rome just needed to happen.
It is apparently listed as the 3rd "Must See" city in Europe. 
We couldn't miss that right?
The funny thing is my parents are actually headed out on a cruise that ends in Rome just a week before us. I wish we had planned it to be there the same time!
Must see things in Rome?

Whoopfhasdlja. I might die of happiness.
Best part of all? I will get to spend my 24th birthday in rome with my love.
I don't think it gets any better than that?

But....last but not least.....
This is the country i am most excited to visit.
Mainly, because Jarrick is going to be SO happy to go back and visit. 
And speak Romanian again.
For some reason, he doesn't really get to use it in Utah. :)
We are planning our remaining four days in Bucharest. (Or wherever the wind takes us)
Ever heard of him?
His castle is there.
No big deal.

The Palace of the Parliament is supposed to be pretty incredible as well.
I'm super excited about the shopping as well in Romania. It's a fairly poor country, so most things are cheap,cheap,cheap.
I plan on buying saint bracelets in bulk, and possibly buying a gypsy skirt.
It needs to happen.

Hopefully the next 30 days fly on by because i am one excited girl.

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  • The Tilby's go to Europe... I wanted to wait til our plans were set in stone before i documented our trip plans. But i am SO HAPPY to say our trip to Europe is finally nailed down. We leave exactly ONE MONTH… Read More
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