I like being me.

When i work on Saturday...
I get Thursday and Friday off.
It rocks.
I went to lunch with my MIL Jill and then scavanged for a pair of jeans.
Not black jeans.
Not grey jeans.
Denim. Blue. Jeans.
It was a journey, and i didn't find any.
Apparently when you are almost 6 feet tall, jeans at most standard stores just don't work.
A flood was coming apparently.

I did however wear my glasses the rest of the day, and felt pretty cool.
I feel like i can't wear them to work, because everyone knows i don't wear glasses...
...but for some reason i feel like i'm fooling the outside world...
...and they may question whether they are real or not.
I think i'm insane.

I also took a typing test. 
I felt like I was an above average typer.
Lets just let the numbers speak for themselves. 
I now have a pretty sweet talent i can brag about at dinner parties.

Late at night, i look for more high tops to add to my collection.
I realllly, reallly.....reallllllllllly want these.

 On Saturday i got to go to dinner with my mama.
Just me and her.
It was amazing.
I love getting time with just us.
Just talking about silly things and eating way too many muffins
I love her.

 This might terrify me down the road.
But i had to document these so i could delete them off my phone and not have to scare myself daily.
During conference i took a picture of half of our faces.
Then did the reflection app.
Apparenlty, symmetry in faces doesn't always produce an attractive result.

Duely noted.

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