Decorating Open Shelves

We have A LOT of open shelves in our home.
I love the look.
Some people find them to be "cluttery"
But i see it as, what better way to display all your fun little things you collect over the years.
We have gathered a lot of fun little knick-knacks over the past two years together.
I love looking at my little shelves and remembering all of the fun little memories we have collected.
The jar in the bottom left hand corner? 
It may look like a bowl of junk...
...But its really a little memento from vacations, big events and firsts in our relationship.
I love that little jar.

These are all books that were my mom's growing up.
I read them when i was little, and now they are all on display.
(Except for Alter Your Life. I don't know many children that would read that.)

We just recently installed these shelves in our home this week.
Ikea owes us for basically pitching their shelves and how awesome they are.

(I got the green glass vase and the Gnome last weekend shopping (Target, i love you.)(The skull is from Mexico, the books from DI and the wood colored pencils are from TJ Maxx.)

Instead of adding a cabinet right above the sink in our house, we added....OPEN SHELVES.
Maybe i have a problem.
I just like them....a lot.
This one is still decorated for fall. But i'm itching to put up 
I asked Jarrick last night if i could.
The verdict was negative.
Just SIX more days til we are decking the halls.
Until then, i'm going to enjoy every little last bit of the fall decorations, eat my heart out on Thanksgiving, and welcome in my favorite time of the year.

2 comments on "Decorating Open Shelves"
  1. Michelle.. I want to decorate like you do when I grow up.

  2. Absolutely LOVE the way you decorated! Our place is still bare, and we've been living here for four months now!
    xo TJ
