These last two weeks have been insane. My job has been EXTREMELY busy, which is great...but sometimes i have to tell myself to be patient....and that not everyone in the world is stupid. I felt like i was kinda on a roll with blogging, and then after the last two weeks, i came to a hault. Work has semi-consumed my life, but i really love my job, so it's all worth it in the end.

Last week i got my wedding ring cleaned....and baby does it sparkle! I had to lose it for a couple days to have it look this good...but it was so worth it. They redipped in and i think cleaned every nook and diamond and crevace. This picture doesn't even do it justice...this thing in the sun shines like a disco ball.
 I seriously fell back in love with my ring all over again. It looked just like the day Jarrick slipped that beauty on my finger. When we purchased my ring, they told us that we always had the option to switch out the band in the future....i was so confused! Why would you switch out the ring that you picked out together? (or in a lot of cases, that HE picked out for YOU) i was shocked! As the years have gone by.. (almost two?! where does the time go???) I had considered dipping my ring in yellow gold. I mentioned it to Jarrick...and lets just say he wasn't too fond of the idea. I then kinda realized it was changing what we had picked out...the item i love more than any other piece of jewelry. My ring, our ring...it's mine. I dropped it off for it's six month inspection and had the option to have it go into a little diamond ring day spa for the next few days. I missed that sparkler on my finger. So much that they day i was able to pick it up, i went on my lunch break to get it. It wasn't quite finished so i browsed through the rings while i waited...the styles haven't changed too much in two years. But, what about in 10 years...or 20 years? Will it be dated?

As soon as they called my name, i pretty much almost ran to get it. They slipped it out, had me inspect it, and i fell in love. I remembered going ring shopping and wanting to pick the ring that i loved the very most. I remember going to store to store trying to find "the one." This was about the 10040938th ring i had seen and the minute i saw it, i knew it was the one.

This is where it all began. We call this "our wall" Its where we took pictures at on our first date. And where i was suprised when Jarrick gave me that sparkly-rock-of-love.

First Date: 

 There are so many memories wrapped into that ring, and now that i have it i know i would never want to change a thing. It's mine. Have you ever heard of someone wanting to change their ring? Or updating their band later in life?


1 comment on " "
  1. I love this :) it's definitely more than just a "ring" ... it is a representation of you and your love. I can't ever see me changing out mine either.
