Easter Weekend

It was a good weekend...
That's for sure.

I had a three day weekend (best. thing. ever.)
Friday included a lot of not fun things, such as laundry, that aren't worth being documented.
We did see Temptation that night.
That's right.
We went to a Tyler Perry movie.
All I can say is FUNNIEST MOVIE EVER. I loved that everyone else in the theatre was laughing along with us and didn't take it too seriously. Its supposed to be a drama. But, that Tyler Perry sure can write a comical script. And Kim Kardashian in her acting debut? I couldn't have asked for more.
Saturday was a day of fun.
We had a picnic with my family and flew kites. Lets just say the Macaw kite and I didn't see eye-to-eye. I ran all over the place trying to get him to spread his wings and see his full potential. My niece Paisley I'm sure wasn't too impressed with my skills. Luckily she is only 3, and was just as happy to run alongside me. Next year, she will probably choose a different partner to help her in kite flying.
I don't blame her.
Afterwards we went up to Park City with our cute friends Preston and Alyssa... who might I add are getting hitched in 37 days. WAHOOO!! I'm so glad Preston is marrying Alyssa. I like her. We get each other. She can keep up with sass...and i appreciate that in a female.

We went shopping at the Outlets and had dinner at Kneaders. Then snuck on over to the Mountainside Marriot for some extreme hot tubbing. Jarrick's parents have a time share there, and in case you haven't ever stayed? Stay there. Or sneak into the pool area. It's amazing.

Easter morning wasn't too eventful at our house. The Easter Bunny didn't visit us this year. Aka....we had so much candy from our sweet family that we didn't need more. We didn't dye eggs. (Even though i did hard boil them.) So, my instagram feed didn't get any colorful egg lovin. Boo me! We did however have a morning of baking. For my family party, i chose to do dessert. Its pretty intimidating when everyone in your family is a good cook/baker. I'm lame and stick to premade box stuff. I just try to make it look pretty and hope that it is edible.

We then went to church and had a great time. A newlywed couple in our ward gave a talk about Christ. We always wonder how they got together. It boggles my mind every time. She is just bubbly and sweet....and he has never smiled...not once....not ever. Maybe outside of church? We then taught our class or 16-18 year olds and ate candy and talked about teen-things. It was great.

After church, we headed on up to my parents house for an amazing dinner. It was great. Did I mention how everyone in my family can cook? Yeah, i can't. So I enjoy the blessings of a good meal by some of the yummiest cooks. We played a game called 'Thimble of Water.' AKA...get splashed with water til your shirt is soaked. Literally. I even got splashed in the face by my dearest sweetest Grandma Margie. She showed no mercy. It was a good time had by all.

Later that evening we stopped by the Tilby's. They had spent the Easter weekend in Vegas, so we got to head over after and catch up. They all came back tan and golden. Looking lovely as always. 

We are lucky to have such an amazing set of families.
Glad they are mine forever!


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