Two Years.


How can you feel like you just barely got married, but have been together forever at the same time? Well, I don't know how it works...but I like it. We have officially been married for TWO YEARS as of 12/29/2012. I feel like once you hit the two year mark you are no longer in the cool kid Newlywed Club. You are now a newlywed vet and moving on to bigger and better things.

First Anniversary

Second Anniversary (Fact: We wanted to take a picture each year on our anniversary...and we spaced it on the real day. This is as good as we got.)

So here is my list of what i've learned from being married thus far:

The greatest thing on the planet is getting time to sit and talk without any distractions. Usually late at night.

The first year is not that hard. Everyone makes it sound like you are going to hate each other...that is not the case.

Jarrick is way better at saying sorry than me.

Suddenly you realize that you saw each other more when you were dating than now... and on that note..

…..working full time blows and school is a time sucker.

You both have weird quirks. I am a germaphobe. He is a stresser. We are normal I promise.

Laughing something off works about a million times better than discussing the pointless.

Literally, I know the saying is cheesy...but they really are your best friend.

Saying what you feel, when you feel it works magic.

I shed a lot of hair apparently. Being the only female in the house I can't blame a roommate anymore. Sorry about having to wipe down the white bathroom daily.

If Jarrick is going to run to the grocery store, you can expect him to also pick up something random. Usually from the “As Seen On TV” section.

We can make curry, stir fry and any other veggie and rice based dish like champs.

Movies are our favorite things on the planet.

Little getaways (even if it is to downtown SLC) might be the funnest mini-vacations ever.

Remember that little apartment that you lived in downntown? The one you couldn't wait to move out of? You will miss it, and insist you take a picture in front of it anytime you drive past it. (Ex. Last Night. 20 degrees outside.)

Because he loves you, he will happily get out in the freezing cold and take a dark picture with you.

If you thought you loved them when you got married, times that by about a bajillion and that is how much you love them after two years (and three, four, five....forever years).

And now, just because I can. Wedding pictures.

Here's to forever huzz.  
4 comments on "Two Years."
  1. Such a cute post! happy anniversary!

  2. Your wedding pictures are gorgeous! And I say you can always stay in the cool newlywed club ;)
    xo TJ

    1. Thanks for letting me stay in the cool club! I promise it's the best place to be. Forever newlyweds please? :)
