Rantings & Thoughts


Random Wednesday Facts:

  1. I really like Spaghettios. I know they are possibly the tackiest food on the planet...but I love em. However, you can't microwave them. They need to be cooked on a stovetop in order to achieve maximum tastiness. In the realm of cheap foods, I also really enjoy Mac-N-Cheese (especially if it is in shapes) and Pasta Roni (Shells/White Cheddar). You now know my deepest, darkest food desires. Shame.

  2. At work, I love when southern ladies call me “Sweetheart.” Something about it just makes my day.

  3. I find that I download any song I decide that I like. Since my music taste varies...take a look at the song I downloaded this week. (Music for Pleasure, good heavens!)

  4. Gossip Girl has come to an end. I feel like a part of my life has died. Viva Chuck Bass. Viva Chuck Bass.

  5. Speaking of Gossip Girl...I have been in Operation: Dress More Like a Girl for ONE week now. How I envy you Blair Waldorf and Serena VanDerWoodsen for your pristine style. Damn you. I have only defaulted to a flannel and tank top once this week. The small victories my friends.

  6. Christmas is TOMORROW!!! Why does it seem to sneak up so quickly the older you get? I remember growing up it felt like Christmas would never come...and that there were a million advent pieces to put up...and now..it just shows up out of nowhere.

  7. I am really happy that thedaythatshouldneverbenamed aka: “The End of the Word (12/21)” is officially over. It officially made for the worst day in social networking history.

  8. On the topic of social networking, I have been really enjoying the Modern Seinfeld (@SeinfeldToday) twitter account. My favorite topics so far? 1. George is aroused by Siri. 2.Newman attempts to be the most hateful YouTube commenter of all time. 3. George is self-conscious about still having a blackberry. 4.Jerry breaks up with his girlfriend because she over-identifies with Liz Lemon. 5. Elaine attends a party Michelle Obama is speaking at, offends the first lady when she complains about the crappy heath food.

I hope everyone has a Happy Holiday!

1 comment on "Rantings & Thoughts"
  1. Ah!! Chuck Bass!!!! My Love!

    Also, i love Modern Seinfeld too! Glad we share that.

