A little getaway...

With summer coming to and end and school picking up again we wanted a little mini vacation. Since this summer was so crazy (literally, we were gone all but 5 weekends May-August...madness I tell you) we didn't want to go too far from home. We decided to spend the weekend downtown. Let me tell you...I miss it. I miss living downtown. I miss going to all our favorite little places and being so close to everything. Granted Sandy is pretty amazing..I mean we do have a Nordstrom Rack..but there is something so different about living in SLC. We were able to drive past our old apartment. It's the first time I've seen it since we left in December...and for some reason it made me a little sad. That little place was where we very first lived. OUR first home. I miss our hand-me-down furniture, itsy-bitsy kitchen, and that teal tiled bathroom. Memories flooded through driving around our old neighborhood and through the avenues. We went shopping, ate Indian food and got yummy treats at Hatch. We stayed the night downtown and were able to just enjoy the last little slice of summer to the fullest. Now, I'm ready for fall...bring on the sweaters and snow!

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2 comments on "A little getaway..."
  1. soo... i am so happy that i just randomly found your blog through kylee rowley (little girl big world) blog.. hahaha so now i'm that girl you work with and she secretly stalks your blog. hope thats cool.. k byyee!! :) see ya at work! lol

    1. Ahhhh! I love that you found my blog!! Sooo... now we can both stalk each other...hope that's okay! Haha! :)
