I'm backkkkkk!!!!!

I couldn't keep myself away... Let's face it, I'm addicted to this little thing called blogging. Well.... Maybe not so much the writing part, but the blog stalking is for sure an issue. I currently have bookmarked approximately 50 blogs that I check every week on my phone. Sickened much? Am i possibly addicted to the ease of the iphone and how much i depend on it daily??Yeah I thought so too. At my job I have a lot of thinking time, and there are about a million thoughts circling through my head at all times. Some silly, some snide, but all around need to be written down. I have neglected my little blog friend for a while. I felt i NEEDED to blog instead of really wanting to blog. I think i figured a blog had to be a fashion/ journal/style/DIY/lifestyle type-o-thang... Of which I do not have enough of a passion about any of those things in my body to dedicate my full attention in one direction. So I've decided my blog has no direction, no specific details, basically a blog about nothing, but everything at the same time. Catchy? Perhaps. But I love the allure of writing to no one for no reason. Just like my blog title...
Circadium: recurring naturally.
Ahem, Thank you Webster for that definition.
So will there be any "subject" of my blog? No. I am not a fashionista, crafting queen, nor can i write about my life like it is a fairy tale (we all know everyone has good and bad days, and I'm pretty lucky to say that the good out-weigh the bad about a thousand to one). However, I'm sure there are bits and pieces that I love about all of these things that I'm sure to will tickle my blogging nerves and feel the need to write about.
Currently, what is on my mind. Does anyone know the singer LIGHTS? If not, it's a shame. I heart her. I recently have been growing out my bangs (a love/hate relationship I have with those bangs!) and I fell in love with lights hair. It has a technical name. It's called a "cute, girl combover" as apposed to an ugly, boy combover. The past three days my hair has been in combover bootcamp. Fighting the new part, bursting through bobby pins and withstanding gallons of hairspray to achieve this look. It's been a messy battle, but I am pleased to say that I am loving the outcome despite the battle we have been fighting.
In other news I finally wrote on our home reno blog... Renovating1975.blogspot.com...check it.
I think emoticons are hilarious. 🐘 please tell me you can see that cute little elephant?? It kills me.
<3 Elle

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3 comments on "I&apos;m backkkkkk!!!!!"
  1. yeeeehaw. a blog post.
    1. i read over 200 blogs. manage it through google reader, yo.
    2. i'm certain you have valid opinions about alllll of those things - enough to say something once a week. i'm looking forward to this.
    3. i just added that girl to my spotify playlist. thanks for the tip.

  2. Aubry,
    You will no regret listening to Lights...I heart her and she doesn't get anywhere close to enough credit. I also am so happy that I am not the only one with a blog obsession... Why are they so addicting?! WHY?!?

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