MAC: a massacre to my face.

***Disclaimer: I have nothing against MAC makeup, Nordstrom or any employee of either brand.

So a few weeks ago my adorable MIL Jill had a killer idea...getting makeovers at the MAC counter. We both were feeling a rejuvenated look was in order and we wanted to find some products that we could incorporate into our makeup regime. Jill scheduled us appointments for Friday...and I was living for it.
First thing Friday morning Jill, jordyn and I headed up to Nordstrom looking all fly without our makeup on. **for some reason you feel like a slob walking through Nordstrom without makeup. I don't care if you have on one hot little outfit, you feel so sub par. The makeup counter seemed miles away.*** we were all seated for our appointments and were ready to get our makeovers. I was put with a nice lady named Regina. She quickly asked me what I wanted. My list was simple.
•natural face
•smoky eye
•no shimmery eyeshadows
•no orange anything should be applied to my face. I'm pale, I'm okay with it, and I don't want to look like a pumpkin.
Pretty straightforward right??
I thought so too.
I was hoping to go around and look at all the fun shadows and lipsticks and pick products with a professional...instead I got whatever lady R picked out for me. Im sure that's fine, she is a professional right? She will know what looks good on me?? She can see I'm pale, se can see I have a pink undertone to my skin, she will make me look like a whole new woman. NAH! Fur realssss... The ugliest makeup ever. Shimmery eyeshadow. Bronzed pumpkin face (to the point where you could see the distinct orange jaw line juxtaposition my pasty critter of a neck.) an a smudgy BROWN cat eye. WT?! I thought you were a makeup specialist?! After each product is put on your face, she would finish my saying "oh! That is just beautiful! Hey,_____{insert a fellow makeup artist name here}____, come see how beautiful she looks!" "do you want this in your "love it" pile?" "This lipgloss right here goes to kids with AIDS, so it's a good cause." "it feeds people that are hungry" "wanna add it to your love it pile?" I have never felt more pressure in my life. Quite similar to buying a car.
By the end of our makeovers we were all disappointed. I didn't get the chance to pick out things I might like, or try something completely new...instead I was stuck with a bag of makeup I wanted nothing to do with. We hoped that lunch could be a cure to our moods...but go figure, that was completely sub-par as well.
Now as for the makeup itself. Amazing quality. I'm sure if I had my own collection of MAC I wouldn't complain, however...I will NEVER have my makeup done again by someone. I have decided I know my face best, and I am okay with that.
****ps, the makeover my no means was ugly, just not the Americas Next Top Model makeover I was hoping for ***
****pss...I by no means think I am or should be on ANTM***
****psss here is a before and after pic comparison...just for fun.

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2 comments on "MAC: a massacre to my face."
  1. i hear you. mac has great products but the ladies working there (esp. in utah) always have totally caked on makeup. your eyelashes look great though!

  2. Bahahah! Thank you for writing this down so we can relive it forever! We so hated that day-but I heart us :)
