
I have wanted a head chain for such a long time.
One problem...
I have a HUGE head.

I decided to take things into my own hands and create my own head chain that would fit this big dome of a head.

I looked through a few pictures on the internet and decided i would be able to easily create my own...and now you can too!

All you need is about 10 minutes and the following supplies:
 Needle nose pliers, gold chain, jump rings and a fun medallion!
(I purchased all my supplies at Joann's. Altogether, it cost me about $5. Can you say CHEAP?!)

 I measured three chains. Depending on the size of your head, your chain lengths will vary.
You will need to measure your own head to decide how big you will need each chain. The middle chain should be the shortest. (My length was about 11 1/2 inches.)
The two side chains need to be just a little longer to create the "draping" effect on the side of your head. (My length was about 12 - 12 1/2 inches)

 After you have measured your three chains, connect both loose ends together using a jump ring.

 To connect your medallion, use two jump rings and secure to the front of your head chain.

 That is it! easy,


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