

Where has this year gone?
I seriously can't believe it is already April.
Life has a funny way of speeeeeeding on up on you...but still feeling slow at the same time.
Doesn't make sense?
I think of it like a week at work. 
The week seems to drag on...but each day goes fast...or vice-versa.
"Is it really only WEDNESDAY?!?!!?"
"Today went by so fast, how is it already 5?!"
Random rambles....sorry about that.

Life has been interesting. optimistic as i have been has been a rough one for me. I feel my entire life has been a real blessing. Seriously. Trials come and go, but overall my life couldn't be more blessed. However, recently i have been going through my own personal journey. 

Things i thought would come naturally to me, have decided to take their own jagged and rocky path. 
Things i thought would happen within my ideal time-frame have decided to take the long winding road.
Things i thought i would never struggle with have reared their ugly little heads from the darkest of places.

Life is learning. 
Life is growing. 
Life is beautiful.

Learning to focus on the positive when situations seem bleak has been a real challenge for me lately. I have always considered myself to be an optimistic and happy person. However, through these recent challenges, i have realized that looking at life through rose-colored glasses and having a "Pollyanna attitude" isn't the realistic or healthy way of slapping those challenges in the face. On this journey...i have learned a few new things & have been reassured of things I've always known; I just have needed this experience as a gentle reminder.

1. Sadness is okay...but only sometimes. You can't mope around and be a crusty-crust because life isn't going as you expected.

2. Jealousy is a bitch.

3. Finding joy in the little things is SO worth it when you try.

4. My husband is the greatest thing to ever happen to me. (Cliche? Maybe...but i don't care.)

5. Family makes everything better.

6. The quote, Be Kind; Everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle is true. I never really grasped that quote until now.

7. Music is my soul-sister....that is...considering music is a female. If it is a male...i'm sorry. Music is my soul-brother.

8. Love the NOW.

9. Stop trying to control things you can't change. 

10. I have a Heavenly Father that has a plan for me. He knows best. He loves me. I trust him.

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2 comments on "Things."
  1. LOVE this post. such truth. and p.s. you should blog more!

    1. You are the sweetest :) I'm finally getting back into it...i have missed it a lot! Ummm...can i come collect sea glass with you? haha! :)
      Miss you Annie!
