New Year.


  • Do Art. -This one....ehh..i did okay. I plan to do better this year
  • Patience. -I don't know if this will ever leave my Resolutions list. However, 2013 tested my patience more than ever.
  • Take more time to do the simple things that make me feel better. Gym time. Painting my nails (outside of work), reading books. - I did really good at this. Well, at least with the nails & reading. I still could do WAY better with the gym stuff. But 2014...this is happening.
  • Take up some sort of fitness class. -These scare me. So....who knows. I didn't complete this, but this year, it's happening.
  • Dress more girly. - I have come to a nice median of girly and tomboy & i couldn't be happier :)
  • Be better at thinking through circumstances before I react. In multiple areas of my life. -Constant. 
  • Travel with Jarrick. -This one we passed with flying colors by traveling to Europe this past year. Best trip of my life.
  • Take time to blog. -For some reason, I still struggle with this. But, not this's happening.
  • Take a picture everyday. - Failed. Miserably
  • Learn to like tomatoes. I can now eat them on crackers with basil and mozzarella. This is HUGE.
  • Discover new music to add to my ever-growing collection. -YES YES YES! Lots of new artists & songs. 
  • Get a new hairstyle. -Did this multiple times. First, i cut bangs that lasted a good 10 months of the year, Then did an ombre melt on my hair...then went back to the sideswept bangs WITH the melt. Mission accomplished.
I feel like i did fairly well for keeping up with my resolutions for the year. Most years i have some i continually work on & some that slowly drop off and are replaced. So this year...i have added some new resolutions that i couldn't be more thrilled about.

Do Art.
Take up some sort of fitness class.
Travel with Jarrick.
Take time to blog.
Discover new music.
Take time to plan my meals. (Less eating out)
Try to be more involved. (Various Areas)
Keep up with current events.
Try to be more observant.
Try new recipes.

Here's to hoping for the best year yet.

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