Yesterday was perfect.


I really loved yesterday.
It was beautiful.
We went to church and decided to teach outside.
Teens nap if you take them out on the grass.
Now i know.
I don't really blame them though.
It was just a beautiful day.

After church we went and took some graduation pictures for our friends, and then took a couple little snapshots just for fun. I have forgotten how much i love getting out and taking pictures....
Not with an iphone.
With a real camera.
I need to do that more often.

We then went to dinner with Jill at Jarrick's Grandma Marilyn's house.
She has the most beautiful yard.
Flowers everywhere.
So obviously that needed to be documented.
Marilyn is basically a word traveller and has been to Europe a bajillion times.
She had pulled aside her Europe Scrapbooks full of picurtes and maps to look at.
I really enjoyed it.

Don't worry...just 16 more days til we leave.
I'm dying.
It doesnt feel real.
Like, I'm going to see Germany? Italy? Romania?
These are all real places?
Its mind blowing.

Until that wonderful day comes we are booked solid with activities galore.
We will all be reunited again.
It's going to be incredible.

Next week we are going to Les Miserables on Friday.
A Party for Grandpa Art on Saturday.
Working a 12 hr shift on Sunday and Monday.
Working a 10 hr shift on Tuesday.
Followed by a Wedding dinner that night...
And the next day...
Love those two.

Then we are out.
I'm sure i'll blog again before that.
But everything is happening so fast.
I felt like i needed to write it down.


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