August 2012.
I deleted deactivated my Facebook.
Why you ask?
Stupid things like this...
I got suuuuuuper over people posting complaints about life.
Politics, Politics, Politics.
Herbalife salesmen....please.
Mary Kay saleswomen....i don't know you. I never talked to you in High School, and i sure am not buying makeup from you for you to get a pink escalade.
I had it with the thing. I simply deactivated it. No thoughts, just deleted it. To be honest with you, i didn't/don't miss it. I checked my Facebook constantly. That app was the first one i looked at in the morning and the last one before bed. Obsessed much? I remember setting it up my first semester of college (back when you had to be a college student to have a Facebook). I LOVED it. Maybe i was just extra into it, but i loved posting song lyrics and posting crazy pictures from my adventures with roommates. We all loved staying up and telling old stories from high school and sharing pictures of people we dated, posting ridiculous status updates and seeing who would "like" the pictures we put up. Talking to someone in one of my classes, thinking they were cute, and getting excited when i saw that they 'added' me as a friend....then continuing to creep on all their pictures. It was my only link to finding out who got Engaged, Married....Pregnant. So exciting.
But for some reason people have now turned it into a madhouse of ads and stupid posts like, "If you love your kids with all your heart, like this post....if you don't then you don't love them." Or people posting stupid things like, "Dear Weather, Stop being cold. Love, Me."
I realized i didn't need it like I thought i did. So i did a little Facebook fast. No facebook (for an undetermined amount of time). I know myself too well to say that i would NEVER get it back. Let's face it, there are some perks to having it. I talked with people about my Facebook Fast 2012 and honestly most people had a positive reaction to it. A lot felt the same way and also deactivated theirs as well.
After 3 months (i know, i know...i'm making it sound like i wasn't on for years!) I kinda started to realized it isn't Facebook that is lame...Its the people that i was friends with (aka-lame aquaintances that i honestly wasn't friends with...just Facebook friends-which in fact is a thing). that were posting the idiotic things that i hated.
So yesterday i did a little deleting session.
A cleansing of sorts.
I'm pleased to announce that i am back in action....and a few 53 friends smaller.
I now feel like i can enjoy facebook again. To be honest, i'm sure a lot of those people didn't even realize that i deleted them. I guess that goes to show that we weren't really "friends" in the first place.
Here's to a rejuvinated social networking me!
Glad you're back! My favorite ones are the ones that say I don't love Jesus if I don't share it. Puh- lease!