Crafty Weekend.

This past week i was able to enjoy two weekdays a row.
There is something so amazing about having time off during the week, as opposed to a weekend.
You feel kinda like you are sluffing work.
It can be a little bit of an adrenaline rush.
I had never realized how much free time you can have on a day off if you put your mind to it.

My adorable mom and sisters had an idea to have a little boutique sale.
Basically where you can sell crafty little things that you have made for people to buy.
My mom is a cook-extraordinaire and used to teach Elementary she had stuff to sell.
My sister Rachel is an amazing photographer and has more graphic/computer skills than anyone i know to make the cutest things ever.
My other sister Ashley can bake anything and its amazing as well as makes adorable frames.
....and then there's me.
Now i'm not saying that i have no talents. I feel like i'm a pretty good artist. (it was going to be my major afterall) but who wants to buy a painting at a boutique? I started putting my thoughts together and decided that i really wanted to make something that i enjoyed making and would have fun doing in the process.

I have always loved sewing.
I started sewing when i was really young.
Just the basics.
Pajama Pants.
Bean Bags.
The basics.
In high school and college I became way more in to clothing constructions and really had such a good time sewing clothing and outerwear. Since i figured i didn't really want to make wool coats to sell, i decided to make little forest animals into pillows. Who doesn't love a cute owl? Or a fox? Or a racoon? Well, maybe a lot of people, but i have had so much fun putting my own little touch on a cute pillow. I started crafting up some patterns for my animals, and the next thing i knew i had a little forest of felt creatures surrounding me.

I am LOVING it.

Soooooo...basically we are going to be selling these little guys here in October. If they don't do so hot...(heaven help me) i will be surrounded by owls and foxes to comfort me and catch my little tears.

...and you can expect it to be your next wedding/baby/birthday present for the next few years.


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3 comments on "Crafty Weekend."
  1. I like the fox!! Dibs on a fox ;)
    You are so talented. Can we please have a crafterday, maybe right after our thrifterday?

    1. A fox for Bridget.
      Its down.
      I made a raccoon yesterday...
      you can have one of those too.
      Crafterday and Thrifterday!

  2. My word my talented can sew me under the table. I STRUGGLE big time with that stupid contraption but you rock it. You are an amazing artist and are in giving yourself enough credit. We need a craft day the next time you get to sluff a workweek day! :) You coming Sunday?!?!?!? :) LOVE YOU!
