So....Jar left for Myrtle Beach for a much deserved golfing trip earlier this week...and good heavens i miss that boy.
I came home on Wednesday night (after a wonderful evening with some lovely ladies) and realized soon after entering my dark empty house that Jarrick wasn't going to be there. I figured if i hurried and went to bed i'd be i did. Needless to say i miss him. I kinda miss having him here to laugh with and eat tacky pizza and play guitar hero with. So last night i found another way to enjoy my time. I decided to dye my own hair and make some headbands.
I went to Joanns and searched the trims for a good 30 minutes and became besties with the lady at the cutting table. her name is Kathy. she is Asian. and she rocks.
Then i walked on down to Sally's to exchange previous dye i had purchased...because last time i used that color my hair ended up looking a little more Elmo than Haley Williams. Not so cute. I tried to become friends with the clerk at sallys...she wasn't feeling it. She had jewels implanted into her pretty much she was cooler than me. That's fine. I can handle it. I asked her opinon on what color was best for light auburn hair....she picked out PLUM BLACK. Ummmm excusemoi mademoiselle....i thought you had to basically a pro to work at Sallys. Apparently not. I told her i was looking more for a lighter brownish red. not purple. She didn't appreish and i'm sure that caused the discord on our friendship.
Here are the results....

ta da! better and a classy little headband.

my cool kid orange hair.. i dye hair. what.

my before shot.

and another. i was lonely. don't judge.

Headband numero dos. Its made of friendship bracelet material. Yeah. It rocks.

# trois. It is also made of friendship bracelet. Me and the trim section at Joanns became best friends last night.

Number 4. Its also made from trim and has 2 small flowers (even though i hate flowers...these are adorbs.) and ties in the back.
The headband materials were as follows:
.hot glue
=total of about $1.25/headband. Cha-Ching!
So that is what a cool kid does by themselves on a Thursday night to keep themselves entertained. I'm really glad that i have plans for the rest of the weekend....i've run out of crafty crafts to do.
Headbands are my weakness! I have so many I could go for three weeks straight without wearing one twice. And I love the last headband, it's adorable! Looks like I might have to make a trip to Joanns soon... ha. :)