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Less is more.
Less is more.
Less is more.

This is something I have genuinely been trying to keep in mind over the past few weeks.
This desire for less started around the time I decided to shrink my wardrobe.
I realized how easy it is to accumulate so much...stuff.

What is stuff?
Why do we need stuff?
What stuff is considered valuable?
When is enough, enough?
Why do we always crave more?

These are things I think about.

How do you cut back on the stuff in life?
Where can you make those changes?

Below I listed a few ways I have started to minimize the excess in my life.

1. Get rid of stuff. Don't just rearrange things.

For me? This started in my bedroom. Do you know how much stuff accumulates in your room?
A bunch.

TV Stands
Hand Lotion

It's crazy!
I seriously had 4 blankets in my room. Who needs that many? 
I evaluated what I needed.
Acutally needed & what I actually used.
Keep it simple.

If you don't use it, get rid of it.
Plus, how good does it feel to get rid of a bunch of stuff & donate it? 
Someone else can love it :)

2. Stop bargain hunting for things you don't need.
I was the biggest offender of this.
I found it therapeutic to wander the isles of Target with a diet coke
looking for things that were on sale.
(let's face it...everyone loves it. something about that red sticker makes me so excited.)

But do you know what?
I found myself buying things I didn't need, just because it was a good deal.

Put the item you find in your cart. 
Walk around the store.
Can you live without it?
If yes, drop it like its hot.
If no...you buy it.

3. Wear it, Store it, Donate It.

If a minimal wardrobe isn't for you,
try storing a few items you think you can live without in an area of your home you can't readily access (like a basement, hall closet, etc.)
Tuck items you think you can get rid of away for a few weeks.
You will shock yourself how you don't even think about those clothes anymore.

If you are feeling brave, get rid of them.

4. Don't increase. Replace.

Are you going to buy something new? Get rid of something old.

Hopefully these helpful hints will be useful for you too!


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