
           I love lipstick. 

I love it a whole lot.
So, i'm sorry if you get sick of me talking about lipstick...
but this won't be the last time.

Lipstick just has a way of making me feel more put together.
Kinda like, 
"Yeah, I woke up 20 min before I'm supposed to be at work... and yes I got ready in the dark... but you know what? I'm wearing obviously I'm ready for the day."

It's a perfect way to fool everyone into thinking you reeeally got ready for the day.
So fancy.
This is real life folks.

Do you know what else makes me feel real fancy?
A bright. bold. fiery lip.

I love a good classic red lip, but lately i've also found myself venturing towards various orangey shades.
That's right. I said orangey.
It's a word. I promise.

So today, i'm giving you the BEST colors & brands for a fiery little lip. These colors range from straight-up orange lips, to my favorite classic red color.
You ready for this?

#1 Revlon 'Siren.'
aka the orangest-funnest lips evaaaa
Orange lips seem bold.
But, bold is good!
The best part about this lipstick/color is since you won't be rocking an orange lip daily, this brand is inexpensive but quality. 
You aren't spending $17 on a tube of lipstick you only wear occasionally. 
So, for the price? 
Totally worth it.

#2 N.Y.X 'Indie Flick'
aka I wanna rock an orange lip...but i'm scared.

I. Love. This. Color.
It is the perfect mix of orange/red. 
It is also matte, which I love. 
This is the perfect inexpensive dupe for 'Lady Danger' by MAC. 
I got this at Target for $5.99.
What a steal.

#3 MAC Russian Red
aka the BEST classic red lipstick ever.

This color is a must have. 
Worth every penny. 
It looks great on everyone.
When I initially wanted to get a good quality red lipstick, I quickly went searching for Ruby Woo at MAC. It's the color everyone was using & had that classic cherry red color. BUT, I tried on Russian Red and was instantly hooked. 

So what do you think?
Are you ready to rock a fiery lip?


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