
I love you.

We stayed at the Ko'Olina Marriott Resort. It was so incredibly beautiful.
Every morning i woke up to this incredible view from our balcony.
Breakfast consisted of Hawaiian pineapple sweet rolls & coconut peanut butter.

 Floppy hats were considered okay to wear everywhere, everyday, all the time.

 Hot dog lunch at Waikiki beach.
 A ukulele.
I've wanted my own for such a long time.
I now know 3 songs.
J and I now have night jam sessions playing together.
I love it so much.

 Gum tree.
I wish i had wallpaper made of this.
Nature is incredible.

 Lots of beach time.
Good for the soul.
The most incredible plants...everywhere.

 Leonards malasadas.
Why do you not have a food truck in Utah?
I'd pay big bucks for one. 
 The Aloha Swap Meet.

 We ate lunch at Teds
indulged in a Chocolate Haupia Cream Pie
...and approximately 35 fried haupia and apple pies from McDonalds.

 The "beach" at the Ko'Olina

During the course of a week, i consumed 5 honeydew boba teas.
I would do it again.

 The Laie Temple.
So incredibly beautiful.

Sun bleached hair & sunburns.

Is this real?

 The original pineapple float....
 and snowcones....
Can you tell we ate our way through the island?
There is a reason i gained 6 pounds on this trip.

 My Kuuipo :)

 Banyans & Birkenstocks

Everytime i saw a hibiscus...a picture was taken.
The result? A little collage.
You're welcome.

Hawaii, I love you.
See you soon?

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1 comment on "Hawaii"
  1. K, so cute! I love all your photos. And I LOVE teds! What a fun trip.
