Little Chunk.

Remember when i said i wanted to shave a portion of my head?
I got A LOT of different opinions on actually doing it.

The Don'ts:
It will take forever to grow back. (so valid)
It's ugly.
Its on trend.
It will take forever to grow back.
You will look like a boy on one side, and a girl on the other.
It will take forever to grow back. 

The Do's:
It will look cool.
Its a fun style.
I'm only 23 once.
I already pin my hair back in that area every day.
I can flip my hair over on the other side when i want to grow it out.

I loved getting different opinions... and quite honestly...i never thought i would actually do it.
But i did.
And i LOVE it.

 SOOOOO.... how in the world did i finally decide to do it?
A little bit of sarcasm...a loving trimmer-owning coworker....and a slow day at work....
 I have basically been contemplating on taking the plunge for a while. One day at work i was talking about how if i never actually did it...i would never do it (quite the deep thoughts i  can conjurer  up). Sweet David my co-worker said he would bring his trimmer the next day and we would just shave it off. Part of me was reaaallly hoping he would, while the other part of my inner little self sat and had a nervous breakdown in the corner. The next day i showed up, buzzers out and at 3:30 my new hairstyle was brought into this lovely world. Leaving behind this little chunk of a piece.
(The black and white adds a nice touch of drama, don't you agree?)

Literally my hands were shaking through the quick 3 minute cut. When they handed my my little baby pony it finally clicked was gone....gone gone gone. And you wanna know what? I love it. I think everyone thought i would go bald-city-chick and rock it like this...
Butttttttttttt....i am a little bit scared of taking it that for now...this is what i'm rocking...and i love it.

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6 comments on "Little Chunk."
  1. I think the shaved part looks good on you! it's not too short, looks cute. I love your pink lipstick too. xo

  2. I am so glad you did it!! It looks so good!!

  3. i think you look great, and even if it is super trendy, it's hair, and it grows back. rock it!

    1. Thanks Annie dear! I get to see you SO soon!!! :)
