

Concealer is probably my most used makeup product.
I love it!

It quickly changes your entire look. 
Eyes are brightened.
Blemishes are concealed.
Instantly flawless.

After much research I have compiled my list of favorite concealers and where to use them.

This is the best full coverage under eye concealer I have ever used.
I originally heard of it on Jaclyn Hill's YouTube channel and have been obsessed with it ever since.
(ps. if you have never watched her tutorials, you are missing out. She is my favorite.)

This originally was my favorite. I've talked about how great it was in previous makeup posts.
It is creaaaammmmyyy-licious and the perfect consistency for under eye coverage.

This stuff is THICK. Like...really thick. I don't use this under my eyes because I feel like it is a little toooo thick. But this stuff rocks for concealing blemishes and little imperfections.

This concealer is perfect for the price. (It is only $5) and offers a really creamy coverage. If you don't want to spend a lot, this is the perfect option.

This would be the concealer to buy if you forgot to pack your concealer on a weekend trip. At least, that is how I found this. It is good for all over concealing (eyes, blemishes, highlighting). 

What are your favorite concealers?

xo- elle

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2 comments on "conceal."
  1. You are so right. I LOVE MAC Pro Longwear concealor! Immna try that NYX one, for spring/summer days when I need something lighter with my BB cream. MAC has this one called "Conceal and Correct DUO" they but on my face that was so lovely. One side is orange (to cancel out the blue under eye hue) and the other side is yellow to blend over the yellow. Orange and Yellow generally of course as there are like 4 shade options, the darker the skin the more orange and yellow. It's so going to be my next splurge.

    1. I have wanted to try the Conceal and Correct Duo!!! I feel like those pallets that have multiple concealer colors are sooo amazing..i've just been so scared to try them! Now I need to!!!
