What's been happening...

It's official.
I might be one of 10 people that HATE summer.
I used to love it.
But now?
It's awful.
Let me get this straight...
I love summer activities and sunshine..But...
Why can't summer be a beautiful 75 degress?
Must it really be 100+ daily?
I work inside in a cool air conditioned office.
So most days i dress like it is winter anyways..
...and for the record i'm okay with it.

Last week i got to go to Sushi with my favorites.
There is no group of friends better than these three.
It's so fun to talk about each other's lives and see fun changes that are going to be happening here in the future.
Trip Planning.

It's always one of my favorite things.

I also learned that orchids are edible.
We ate them.
Just one petal each.
Suprisingly refreshing.

I baked.
Things had to rise..
I had to knead..
It was intimidating...
But my pretzels turned out.

It turned into a pretty great Sunday treat.
I might even make them again.

Other than that, we have been working on our house and getting ready to sell it.
More on that later.

So, we have been busy.
But, it's a good busy.
I can't wait to see how the next few months come together.
Hopefully Utah will decide to cool down...just a little bit :)

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1 comment on "What's been happening..."
  1. You are freakin adorable!! Love your hair and lip color in that first picture :)!
